It was great to have that coffee drink there. Yum. I was able to handle those things well. I became tired of waiting so I once again got up and walked down to Dave's room.
I then walked back to my room where I found a delicious breakfast sandwich waiting for me. It was nice to eat a full meal. I then also played a game of Tokaido on the computer they supplied me.
My room had all the perks. But I quickly was bored so as soon as the asked if I wanted to go home I said yes! I was feeling good with the exception of some pain, I could eat, I could move, so I felt like it would be more relaxing at home. They said they were sending some prescriptions to the pharmacy and they would be ready in an hour or so and then shortly after the nurse came by with my discharge paperwork. So with the help of my mom (bending over was not an option) I put on normal clothes and waited around an hour till I could head to the pharmacy. Before I officially had the okay to go home the Social Worker I worked with stopped by and gave me a shirt, a calendar, asked if I wanted to have my name on the board (I said sure), and just made sure I was doing well.
So finally I gathered all my things (by I gathered I mean my Mom and Dad Gathered and I held the stuffed dog and balloon) and told the nurse I was leaving. She kept asking if I wanted a wheel chair, but we decided against it so I could walk over to Dave one more time. I saw Dave, and we said a quick goodbye, us both being tired and in some pain meant we would just have to talk more later when we were both more up to it. As I was leaving Dave's roommates wife kept telling me how awesome I was. I just said thank you and went on my way. It weird having people thing I did something awesome/heroic mostly because I don't see it that way, but I think that idea could be a whole post on its own, so another day!

Okay that is actually all for today. I do have some more to say, and I want to read through these past 3 posts and add in anything I forgot.
But current time update, Dave and I are both doing well, I am trying to walk a lot, even if I am still a but slow. The kidney is still working inside of Dave and he keeps having to go back for blood work (which is normal). I can not wait to be 100% healed (still some incision pain and some side pain where I think I may have slept on my left side weird, as well as not having the same stamina I had before) and have Dave healed and not having to go to UMMC multiple times a week.
Once again thanks for your support!
I just donated through UMD too! Thanks for sharing your journey!