Dave In the Hospital The first time. He was posting these photos to Facebook asking for a kidney. (April 2013)
I Found pictures of Dave and I his first time in the hospital.
A tag attached to a stuffed Dragon at the GBMC Gift shop. NINJA DRAGON
We played game to pass the time. There was a lot of waiting.
After his Transplant Evaluation and Hopkins we ate FOGO om nom meat. (June 2013)
Months after starting dialisis we kept busy even with a lot of our time take up.
MD Renaissance Festival (Aug 2013)
Dragon*Con Dave's first trip away since Dialysis (Sept 2013)
Then in October after his catheter became infected he was once again in the Hospital where we kept spirits high by playing games. (Oct 2013)
On March 7th Dave had both his Kidneys removed. Below is a picture of him ready to go home after being in the Hospital 5 days. (eventually I will hopefully have a picture of his kidneys as well)
About a week before the surgery I had to go give a blood sample so they could make sure they had the right blood oh hand just encase I need a blood transfusion during the surgery. I then had to wear the bracelet shown below until the surgery. Luckily no blood transfusion was needed.
The night before we both had to use these fun wipes to clean off and then again in the morning the day of surgery.
Waiting in the waiting room!
Waiting in the pre-op room.
I received fun socks, and IV and tons more bracelets.

Waiting to go back!
Right after surgery in the post op. room.
My face was so swollen.
The next morning they made me stand up, it was hard.
Right to the chair!
Perk of being a living donor a nice view and starbucks!
As well as a computer.
When I was up, I was up so I wondered down to see Dave!
Then I was told I could go home!
Happy in the car!
Where I spent a lot of my time recovering.
The progress of loosing the bandages on my belly button!
My replacement Kidney.
Our engagement Photos! Our Save the date said "She gave him her Kidney and now he will give her his Heart".
Wedding Pictures!
More from our lives post transplant!
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