Okay so I think I am ready to start updating everything one step at a time!
Wed. Night:
We didn't really do anything too special wed. night except I did buy us cupcakes to celebrate after we ate out light dinner. I also got together some pajama pants, a robe, and a t-shirt to take with me. Before going to sleep we both had to take a shower then use some wipes all over ourselves.

Then all sorts of people came in all asking us our name, date of birth, and what we were having done. I signed more papers, spoke with the anesthesiologist, a person assisting my surgeon, my surgeon, and probably some other people. My surgeon was sure to ask if I donated a kidney since I saw him 11 days prior which made me laugh. He also marked my left side while his partner explained this surgery would have no benefits to me. Also, made me laugh. I really enjoyed my surgeon he was very laid back and that made both my mom and me feel more relaxed about the whole thing. Right when things were getting ready to go Dave's surgeon found out about the fluid he had earlier in the week that made him short of breath and wanted to do a last minute chest X-ray. That had me a little worried but it turned out okay I guess? I was on my way to the OR soon after it was over so I don't know how it turned out.
Right after the chest x-ray the anesthesiologist came back in, let me know the good news that I wasn't pregnant (that's what the urine sample was for), the gave me a dose of something to relax me but I didn't really feel anything. Then I waved bye to Dave and everyone and was wheeled down to the OR. When I arrived they asked what kind of music I listened to and unsure what to say I just said Ska. They had never been requested to play ska before, but they put on some ska music using Pandora or something and I fell asleep.
Okay, so I am going to post this now and update later with more of the story. Writing it out takes a lot of time and I am still a bit tired these days. So, look for more later this week!
Wed. Night:
We didn't really do anything too special wed. night except I did buy us cupcakes to celebrate after we ate out light dinner. I also got together some pajama pants, a robe, and a t-shirt to take with me. Before going to sleep we both had to take a shower then use some wipes all over ourselves.
There were 6 wipes, one for each arm, one for each leg, one for the back, and one for the stomach. They made me feel sticky and a little itchy afterwards. After that we both went to sleep.
We woke up at 4am to once again take showers and use the wipes. by 5am my parents were at our house, my mom was carpooling with us to the hospital and my Dad just dropped her off and wished me good luck. My dad is not good with hospitals and things. Shortly after Dave's parents showed up and Dave, his parents, my mom and I were on our way. At this point it still didn't feel real, and I didn't feel nervous. Not sure why I am almost always nervous about medical stuff.
We arrived a walked over to the same day surgery department, where both Dave and I signed in.
Here is us with the we woke up too early look while we were waiting. It didn't take to long before we were called up to the desk. At the desk we signed some forms and verified some information before being sent back to a pre-op room. We were in the same room which was nice. Here we put on robes and socks, and I had to give a urine sample. (something I should always be prepared for but I never am, I always seem to use the bathroom before they mention it too me. fail)
They then set each of us up with an IV as well as took some blood from Dave because he took off his blood typing bracelet. Then the wait began. It was just a little past 6am at this point and my surgery wasn't supposed to start till 8:30. So Dave and I just sat around for awhile waiting for our separate nurses to appear.

Then all sorts of people came in all asking us our name, date of birth, and what we were having done. I signed more papers, spoke with the anesthesiologist, a person assisting my surgeon, my surgeon, and probably some other people. My surgeon was sure to ask if I donated a kidney since I saw him 11 days prior which made me laugh. He also marked my left side while his partner explained this surgery would have no benefits to me. Also, made me laugh. I really enjoyed my surgeon he was very laid back and that made both my mom and me feel more relaxed about the whole thing. Right when things were getting ready to go Dave's surgeon found out about the fluid he had earlier in the week that made him short of breath and wanted to do a last minute chest X-ray. That had me a little worried but it turned out okay I guess? I was on my way to the OR soon after it was over so I don't know how it turned out.
Right after the chest x-ray the anesthesiologist came back in, let me know the good news that I wasn't pregnant (that's what the urine sample was for), the gave me a dose of something to relax me but I didn't really feel anything. Then I waved bye to Dave and everyone and was wheeled down to the OR. When I arrived they asked what kind of music I listened to and unsure what to say I just said Ska. They had never been requested to play ska before, but they put on some ska music using Pandora or something and I fell asleep.
Right before I went into surgery! |
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